nullius in verba

  • ""nullius in verba" : "on the words of no one" veya "on the words of no master"
    demek, veya "dont take anyone's word for it" şeklinde de tercüme etmek mümkün.

    yani, denemeden, sınamadan, üzerinde düşünmeden, hiçbir kimsenin, hangi yetkili
    olursa olsun, dediğini doğrudan kabul etmeyin ve inanmayın anlamına geliyor.
    burada özellikle de ima edilen, deney ve verilerle (data) desteklenmeyen
    açıklamaların kabul edilmemesi.

    "the motto of the royal society, "nullius in verba" (latin: "on the words of no
    one"), signify the society's commitment to establishing the truth of scientific
    matters through experiment rather than through citation of authority. although
    this seems obvious today, the philosophical basis of the royal society differed
    from previous philosophies such as scholasticism, which established scientific
    truth based on deductive logic, concordance with divine providence and the
    citation of such ancient authorities as aristotle."
