
  • bir sistemin kendini yeniden üretebilme becerisine sahip olması. bir hücre gibi düşünülebilir. ekşi'de gayet üzerine konuşulmuş.

    kendini yeniden üretebilen sistemleri üzerinde daha detaylı bir okuma için humberto maturana ve francisco varela isimlerine bakabilirsiniz.

    "the notion of self-organisation is creatively elaborated in humberto maturana and francisco varela's theory of autopoiesis, which can be taken as a starting point to discuss different theories of biological organisation. the theory of autopoiesis examines living systems both as organisationally closed and structurally open at the same time. maturana and varela pro- posed the term 'autopoiesis' in the 1970s. auto means 'self' and refers to the self-organisation of living systems, and poiesis means 'making' (and comes from the same root as the word 'poetry'). thus, autopoiesis means 'self- making', or the self-organising capacity of a living being. a simple example of an autopoietic system is a unicellular organism which is capable of main- taining and recreating its organisation despite multiple chemical reactions taking place in it. thus, the main characteristic of an autopoietic system is its self-organisation, self-maintenance, and its constant self-reproduction within a boundary. not every self-organising structure is autopoietic; only those organisations that are self-making, i.e. autopoietic, are considered to be alive. the idea of self-making and self-organising implies that a living system is organisationally closed, that its order is imposed not by external forces but by the system itself. however, a living being cannot survive with- out energy and nutrients and for this reason it is connected to the environ- ment. the environment triggers an autopoietic system and engenders some changes within its structure. therefore, it is said that every living system interacts with the environment through 'structural coupling'. however, even after undergoing some structural changes, the model of organisation of the system does not change. this is why autopoietic entities are said to be closed on the level of organisation but open at the level of structure."