• öğrenen makinanın namık kemal'in şu beytine de aşina olmasını dilerdim:

    "ne mümkün zulm ile bidâd ile imhâ-yı hürriyet
    çalış idrâki kaldır muktedirsen âdemiyetten"

  • ai aşağıdaki şekilde yanıt vermiştir.
    "the question of what happens when intellect kills itself is a complex one that could be interpreted in a variety of ways, so ı will provide a few different perspectives:

    from a literal perspective, if someone with a high level of intellect were to intentionally end their own life, it would result in their death and the loss of their contributions to society. this would be a tragedy for their loved ones and those who benefited from their ideas and work.

    from a metaphorical perspective, if a society or culture were to systematically suppress or devalue intellect and critical thinking, it could be said that "intellect kills itself" in that it is no longer valued or encouraged. this could lead to a decline in innovation, progress, and problem-solving capabilities within that society.

    from a philosophical perspective, the concept of intellect "killing itself" could be seen as a paradox or contradiction. the very act of intellectual inquiry and exploration requires a certain level of self-awareness and introspection, and it is difficult to imagine a scenario where an individual or society could completely abandon these traits without sacrificing their ability to think and reason altogether.

    ın any case, the idea of intellect "killing itself" raises important questions about the value of intellectual pursuits and the role of critical thinking in society."

    ben ingilizce bundan iyisini yazamazdım. daha kötüsü, türkçe de bundan iyisini yazamazdım. ancak sormadan kendi kendime düşünmeye devam ederdim. benimle yaşayan şey arasındaki fark, zaman algısı. soralım kendisine.

    what is time? an ai can understand it?

    "time is a fundamental concept that refers to the progression of events from the past, through the present, and into the future. ıt is a measure of the duration between two events, and is often measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, and so on. time is also relative, which means that the experience of time can vary depending on one's location, velocity, and gravitational field.

    as an aı language model, ı am programmed to understand the concept of time and can perform calculations related to time, such as converting units or calculating durations between two dates. however, my understanding of time is limited to the information and data that has been programmed into me, and ı do not have a subjective experience of time like humans do."

    so there is the difference, ia can not learn without us. originality is different from "mixed".

    yani gençler ai bir düşman değil dost, bir güç değil bir araçtır. bence.