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  • we see libertarianism as a distinctive combination of six key commitments: property rights, negative liberty, individualism, free markets, a skepticism of authority, and a belief in the explanatory and normative significance of spontaneous order.

    zwolinski, m., & tomasi, j. (2023). the individualists: radicals, reactionaries, and the struggle for the soul of libertarianism (first edition). princeton university press. sf.g

    yani diyor ki "libertaryenizmi, altı ana taahhüdün belirgin bir kombinasyonu olarak görüyoruz: mülkiyet hakları, negatif özgürlük, bireycilik, serbest piyasalar, otoriteye karşı şüphecilik ve spontane düzenin açıklayıcı ve normatif önemine olan inanç."

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